a must read - nano

From: Damien Broderick (d.broderick@english.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 17:09:18 MST

That subject line is from a Aussie pal in the nanobiz, who sends this url:


>From the opening page:

< The TNT Weekly newsletter provides links and introductions to articles
                        and press releases that have appeared on the web in
the last week on
                        the subject of nanotechnology. It is widely
believed that in the near
                        future nanotechnology will spawn a variety of
world-changing industries,
                        leveraging developments in a broad range of
scientific disciplines, from
                        the biological sciences, through chemistry and
classical and quantum

                        The editorial team that compiles this newsletter
consists of leaders
                        from the scientific & business communities. Our
mission is twofold:

                           To inform researchers in all disciplines
relevant to Nanotechnology,
                           a field where, like no other in history,
                           collaborations will bear the greatest fruit

                           To provide lay and business readers with access
to the latest and
                           most relevant information on research and
existing and upcoming
                           businesses poised to capitalise on the vast
potential of

                        A key advantage of our editorial team is the
ability to cut through the
                        nanotechnology hype. We will sometimes include
articles that may not
                        deserve a place in a serious discussion of
nanotechnology specifically so
                        that we can point out the weaknesses in those
articles and help
                        distinguish between the real potential and the hype.


Damien Broderick

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