Randy Smith wrote:
> Samanta Atkins wrote:
> "Before the current age of science old age and death were very much
> necessary parts of human life cycle as they are very much necessary
> parts of the life cycle of other species that propagate by sexual
> reproduction. It is only by becoming bright enough to go beyond mere
> biology and natural selection that this becomes no longer the case.
> There is some deep bonding to the birth, life, death cycle in creatures
> such as we. It will not be instantaneous that many see it and go beyond
> it. Have some compassion for your fellow creature's difficulty with
> this. Go writing them off and they will simply write you off, perhaps
> in worse ways than simply ignoring you"
> That's nice, sensible attitude towards death. People have been adopting
> sensible attitudes towards death for a long, long time...and they keep
> putting them in the ground.
> _____________________________________________________________________________
There is nothing "sensible" about it except that it is factual and
understanding of where we are. It has nothing to do with whether or not
you or I will fight against death and dying for all we're worth. But
the fight cannot be conducted by failing to acknowledge what is or by
condemning everyone that disagrees. We want to beat this think in
reality after all.
- samantha
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