Re: Privacy now and in the future, was Re: Civilization and Enemies, was Re: CONFESSIONS OF A CHEERFUL LIBERTARIAN By David Brin

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 04:17:30 MST

"Michael M. Butler" wrote:

> I said Plain Folk, and then I said Amish. This was an attempt at noun
> diversity. I am not sure all Plain Folk agree with both those points. In
> any event (along the lines of the rather plonking adage that a stopped
> clock is still right twice a day), I stand by my notion that picking the
> technology you choose to adopt is a good thing, even if an occasional
> Betamax or HDTV or Gene Z45678 doesn't get off the ground.

If you are only picking what you chose to adopt and not forcing others
to support or live by your choice then I agree. But that wouldn't stop
they others that disagree so I am not sure that is what you meant above.

- samantha

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