Re: Privacy now and in the future

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sun Dec 03 2000 - 09:50:53 MST

I personally think those who demand the perpetuation of personal "privacy"
in a future that will live and breath on the unrestricted communication and
processing of ever increasing amounts of information are unknowing Luddites.
As I see it our ultimate "purpose," if there is one, is to facillitate the
efficient storage, transmission and processing of data. Everything at its
core is information and the more of it we can grasp and utilize, the better
off we will be. The *only* difference between man and God is access to, and
the ability to usefully exploit, information.

So, on the one hand you say you are an Extropian hoping one day to become
Uberman. On the other hand you want to put up impenetrable road blocks on
the information super-highway. Look in the mirror. What do you call


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----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael M. Butler" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 2:28 AM

> "Temporarily". You said it, not me. Face and behavior-noticing neural
> nets will be cheap enough to peel off and stick like Britney stickers
> someday, probably sooner than we'd like. So gross location and activity
> monitoring is basically a given. This has a big impact on what a lot of
> average people would construe as "privacy".
> Cryptocurrency, Mixmaster, etc. are well and good, but as I think Bruce
> Schneier likes to put it, some approaches to security are like putting a
> single fence picket a mile high in the ground and hoping all your
> adversaries run into it and knock themselves unconscious.

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