Re: THE PLANT: It Failed

From: Jason Joel Thompson (
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 13:45:54 MST

Sorry Eugene, can't afford to get drawn into this debate again. I've
written reams of relatively cogent material on the subject on this very list
and would be simply regurgitating those ideas-- I invite you to skim the
archives if interested.

A brief recap:

1. EVERYthing will be IP eventually
2. Mr. John S. Novak said it well: "[IP] defines and protects a mechanism
by which two or more
parties can VOLUNTARILY exchange services for MUTUAL gain."
2. We should be making our information smarter-- have it follow rules,
contain meta-information (as per the gene) as opposed to being dumb,
anonymously replicating information (as per cancer.)

In the meantime, I'm pleased to accept my licks for my apparently
unsubstantiated comments regarding the devaluation of IP made heretofore.


::jason.joel.thompson:: ::founder::

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