THE PLANT: It Failed

Date: Tue Nov 28 2000 - 13:51:41 MST writes:

> The target percentage was 75%, which is about what the first couple of
> chapters pulled in. Apparently it has been falling since then.
> Sounds like we need to go back to the drawing boards to come up with a
> new idea to pay for IP. Anyone who has sat through the annoying pledge
> breaks on PBS will know that it's not easy to get people to pay for
> something they can get for free.

I think it failed for obvious reasons. The target percentage of 75% is
arbitrary, and rather high. The price was also way too high (1-2$
would have been more like it, and ~100% should have gone to the
original artist), the threshold wasn't as simple as a single

I still think that Damien B. et al. would be better off with a
voluntary payment scheme. If you like artist's stuff, you don't want
to seem him starve, quite the opposite.

But we will see soon enough how it all will pan out.

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