From: Ralph Lewis (
Date: Fri Nov 24 2000 - 11:57:35 MST

I have a post script reader, could you send me the unziped file as my system
is giving me problems with several unzip programs.

Thanks, Ralph

At 12:40 PM 11/24/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>>From: Ralph Lewis <>, Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000
>>If this sort of stuff interests you, order copies of PIHKAL and TIHKAL by
>>Alexander and Ann Shulgin form Amazon or give a donation to EROWID ($125 to
>>a good extropian cause)
>>for an autographed copy of either book.
>I wrote a review of PIHKAL 8 years ago, if anyone is interested to know
>more about the book. I still think that it is one of the most courageous
>books that I have ever read.
>When I wrote the review in 1992, I shared it with the authors
>Alexander and Ann Shulgin, and they liked it a great deal. Ann
>wanted to use it somehow to promote the book, but we never followed
>up on it.
>Until I decide better what to do with the review, I will put it
>for a short time at my anonymous ftp site:
>[Then gunzip it, and print it to your postscript printer ...]
>I'll leave it at my site until November 30.
>Amara Graps email:
>Computational Physics vita: finger
>Multiplex Answers URL:
>"Sometimes I think I understand everything. Then I regain
>consciousness." --Ashleigh Brilliant
Ralph Lewis, Professor of Management and Human Resources
College of Business
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, California

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