Re: Q: Protein/amino supplement?

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Nov 22 2000 - 08:40:57 MST

From: "Randy Smith" <>

>Re daily protein requirements:
>Has anyone else read any material indicating that excess protein
>may be a major factor in atherosclerosis? I am talking about
>homocysteine, specifically. Some vegans say 40 g is more than
>enough. One dietitian I read on the net talked about protein
>"intoxication" and its affects on western lifestyle, i.e.,
>obesity, etc.

Homocysteine is something to be concerned about, however folate
(folic acid) is effective in reducing homocysteine levels. See my
next post on the book "Real Age" for details.


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Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
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