"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> Adrian Tymes wrote:
> > "Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> > > Adrian Tymes wrote:
> > > > Seriously. Many people who are, legally, perfectly innocent believe
> > > > they have something to fear from police and other government enforcers.
> > >
> > > I'm with you there. I know I'm a law abiding citizen. I also typically am armed.
> > > I have nothing to fear legally from cops, so any action they take against me is
> > > by definition illegal action, and I am legally able (and justified) to defend
> > > myself against such *felonious* criminal actions by police. Any jurisdiction
> > > which would treat me any differently is, by definition, a tyranny. Insisting on
> > > living under tyranny implies the acceptance of that tyranny, if the means and
> > > ability to leave that tyranny exist. If you fear such tyranny, vote with your
> > > feet. If you don't, its like not voting: you don't get to complain.
> >
> > And what of those, typically poor and/or with non-easily-mobile assets
> > (like their family or community) to defend, who can not practically
> > leave, but who live in a tyranny as you have defined it?
> A community is not an asset that belongs to you, and if its tyrannical, it must
> not be worth much, or else you must enjoy tyrannical communities. Make up your
> mind.
Community != government. Membership in a community is an asset that
belongs to a person, where the value of the asset is rather strongly
linked to the value of the community - even if there is the perception
that the community is, to some extent, under siege by a tyrannical
government controlled by those outside the community.
> I personally find that more poor people move around far more frequently
> than more affluent people, so your argument does not hold. Welfare people seem
> to find it quite easy to move from city to city and state to state to follow the
> best benefits, according to the data. U-HAUL and KOA are wonderful things. I
> could move my own household for $500-$1000 from coast to coast with little
> trouble. People seem to excel at finding reasons to not do things far more than
> finding reasons to do things.
True. But that still does not resolve the problem of people living in
an area for the benefits that it gives, and yet fearful of the
enforcers of law in that area even though they are not criminals
(perhaps out of fear that the police see them as the leeches they
believe themselves to be, if they think that the benefits were "meant"
to help unfortunates who were in the community before people moved in
to take advantage of the benefits).
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