Fwd: IHS - Interesting Articles and Opportunities

From: Max More (max@maxmore.com)
Date: Mon Nov 13 2000 - 15:37:08 MST

This may be especially of interest to those of you who are or soon will be
college students. I've benefited from an IHS fellowship in the past, and so
I'm happy to pass along this information. You'll find some information on
their scholarships further down.


>From: "Damon Chetson" <dchetson@gmu.edu>
>Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 16:56:18 -0500
>Greetings from the Institute for Humane Studies!
>Please forward this email to those you think might
>be interested in the articles, opportunities and scholarships
>listed below...
>At RECENT ARTICLES OF INTEREST (http://www.libertyguide.com/recentihs.html)
>I share links to a variety of articles and opinion
>pieces that I find interesting. For instance, I link
>to a piece by John Stossel. He wonders how credit
>card and stock exchanges can count millions of transactions
>daily, but the government has such trouble counting
>100 million ballots every few years.
>I update the links regularly. And in case you forget
>to check, I'll email you each month with a link to
>these articles that will help keep you up-to-date on
>issues that involve liberty, rights, and markets.
>I would also like to pass along information about some
>etc. - that might interest you. Some are IHS programs,
>others are programs run by other institutions.
>Links to these and other opportunities can be found
>at at the bottom of (http://www.libertyguide.com/recentihs.html)
>* The IHS Felix Morley Journalism Competition awards
>prizes up to $2500 to journalists 25 years old and
>younger whose 3 to 5 published articles demonstrate
>excellent writing ability and an appreciation of liberty.
> Contest deadline: December 1. Visit http://www.TheIHS.org/morley
>for more information.
>* The IHS Hayek Fund for Scholars awards grants up
>to $1000 to young scholars (graduate students or young
>faculty) who seek to give papers or presentations at
>professional academic conferences, or are engaged in
>archival or research work. No deadline. Visit http://www.TheIHS.org/hayek
>for details. Or email me: dchetson@gmu.edu
>* The Pulliam Journalism Fellowships are grants of
>$5775 to spend 10 weeks during the summer working and
>writing at The Arizona Republic or The Indianapolis
>Star. Early admission deadline: November 15. More
>information at http://www.starnews.com/pjf/index.html
>* The Economic Science Lab at the University of Arizona
>sponsors a weekend workshop - January 12-14, 2001 -
>to expose students to a combination of basic principles
>about incentives and frontier research on the design
>of market institutions. Application deadline: November
>17. More information at http://mason.gmu.edu/~dchetson/econlab.html
>* If you are involved in a campus group or student
>newspaper, please contact Campus Group liaison Dan
>Alban at dalban@gmu.edu. IHS has a number of resources,
>such as a Student Organization Assistance Fund and
>a video library, that may help your group promote its
>I encourage you to visit our website http://www.TheIHS.org
>regularly. We post updated information about our programs.
>And as always, we're interested at IHS in hearing about
>you. To update us on your address and your plans and
>accomplishments, email me at dchetson@gmu.edu.
>Damon Chetson
>Program Director
>PS - You have received this email because you are an
>alum of an Institute for Humane Studies program. If
>you no longer wish to receive these regular updates
>about IHS programs and other opportunities, contests,
>and fellowships, please reply with the word REMOVE
>in the subject line of your email.

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