Re: Hitch up the bacteria!

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Nov 06 2000 - 13:02:04 MST wrote:
> I don't follow nanotech work all that closely, but my impression,
> looking at the titles and some abstracts, is that the field isn't
> moving very quickly. It seems to be more science than engineering,
> where the point is to make a tiny, incremental advancement over the
> current state of the art. Maybe this is just because any time there
> are so many papers being presented, the majority can't be very good,
> and I don't have the skills to pick out the promising 10%.

Since any technological system is dependent on two to four layers of tool
making, it seems to be a problem with nanotech: Once you've made your
nano-hammer, and nan-wrenches and chisels, etc, even when you put them in your
nano-toolbox, on your nano-shelf in your nano-workshop, and turned out the
lights and gone home for the day, how do you find them all in the morning?
Sounds like something Nano-Tim Taylor, the Nano-Toolman would run into every
day. We'll just manufacture our tools from scratch every time we need them....
and the same with the tools that make the tools that make the tools...

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