Harvey Newstrom, Security Testing Practice Leader, Fiderus wrote,
> It may not be official policy, but in the beginning Extropians were
> generally represented and talked about as being Libertarians. There are
> hundreds of articles and references on the web that still refer to
> Extropians as Libertarians. These can be found with any search engine such
> as <http://www.google.com/search?q=extropians+and+libertarian>.
Nice history, Harvey.
BTW, have you heard of these guys?
"So say the MIT Extropians on their World Wide Web site
http://mit.edu/extropians/ and in the pamphlet that they sent out to freshmen a
few weeks ago. Under the self-applied label "reasoned discourse," the
Extropians' founders, Hanyoung Huang G, Jason P. Davis '98, and John R. Bender
'00, are out to stir up and promote good old-fashioned white suburban
Stay hungry,
--J. R.
3M TA3
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