The Northwest Louisiana Commerce Center will be located on the 15,000
acre site of a military ammunition plant, now shut down. This appears to
be a positive example of "green" thinking. I'm planning to attend a
workshop there next week.
Industrial Ecology:
One of the most comprehensive proposals toward sustainable industrial
methods is being called 'industrial ecology.' The term was first coined
by Robert Frosch and Nicholas Gallopoulos in 1989 in a Scientific
American piece entitled 'Strategies for Manufacturing.' Recognizing that
industrial processes that harm and waste are, by definition, less
economic and therefore more costly in the long run, companies and
industries are trying to dovetail their material and waste flows,
attempting to eliminate pollution by tailoring manufacturing by-products
so that they become the raw materials of subsequent processes. This
philosophy goes well beyond the hygiene of curtailing waste; it entails
using waste so that it is no longer waste at all. Not only does this
prevent material from entering the wastestream, it garners sales and
therefore income for what was once an expense.
Anyone interested can look at their web site at
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