Rodney A. Brooks online papers:
Selected publications available for FTP (compressed postscript or pdf format)
Brooks, Rodney A. "Achieving Artificial Intelligence Through Building Robots,"
[pdf format], MIT AI Lab Memo 899, May 1986.
Brooks, R.A., C. Breazeal (Ferrell), R. Irie, C. Kemp, M. Marjanovic, B.
Scassellat and M. Williamson, "Alternate Essences of Intelligence," [pdf format]
to appear AAAI-98.
Brooks, R. A., "Artificial Life and Real Robots," [pdf format], Towards a
Practice of Autonomous Systems: European Conference on Artifcial Life, Paris,
France, MIT Press, December 1991, pp. 3--10.
Brooks, Rodney A. "The Behavior Language User's Guide," [pdf format], MIT AI Lab
Memo 1227, April 1990.
Brooks, R.A. and L.A. Stein, "Building Brains for Bodies," [pdf format],
Autonomous Robots, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1994, pp. 7--25; Also published as
MIT AI Lab Memo 1439, [pdf format], August 1993.
Brooks, R. A., "Challenges for Complete Creature Architectures," [pdf format],
First International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Paris,
France, September 1990, pp. 434--443.
Brooks, R. A., "Elephants Don't Play Chess," [pdf format], Robotics and
Autonomous Systems Vol. 6, 1990, pp. 3--15.
Brooks, R. A. and A. M. Flynn, "Fast, Cheap and Out of Control: A Robot Invasion
of the Solar System," [pdf format], Journal of the British Interplanetary
Society, October 1989, pp. 478--485.
Brooks, R.A., "From Earwigs to Humans," [pdf format], Robotics and Autonomous
Systems, Vol. 20, Nos. 2--4, June 1997, pp. 291--304.
Brooks, R. A., "How To Build Complete Creatures Rather Than Isolated Cognitive
Simulators," [pdf format], Architectures for Intelligence, K. VanLehn (ed)},
Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, Fall 1989, pp. 225--239.
Brooks, R.A., "Integrated Systems Based on Behaviors," [pdf format], SIGART
Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 4, August 1991, pp. 46--50.
Brooks, Rodney A. "Intelligence Without Reason," [pdf format], MIT AI Lab Memo
1293, April 1991.
Brooks, R. A., "Intelligence Without Representation," [pdf format], Artificial
Intelligence Journal (47), 1991, pp. 139--159.
Brooks, R. A. with contributions from M. Coen, D. Dang, J. DeBonet, J. Kramer,
T. Lozano-Perez, J. Mellor, P. Pook, C. Stauffer, L. Stein, M. Torrance and M.
Wessler, "The Intelligent Room Project," [pdf format], Proceedings of the Second
International Cognitive Technology Conference (CT'97), Aizu, Japan, August 1997.
Maes, P. and R. A. Brooks, "Learning to Coordinate Behaviors," [pdf format],
AAAI, Boston, MA, August 1990, pp. 796--802.
Brooks, R. A., "New Approaches to Robotics," [pdf format], Science, Vol. 253,
September 1991, pp. 1227--1232.
Brooks, R.A., "Prospects for Human Level Intelligence for Humanoid Robots," [pdf
format], Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Humanoid Robots
(HURO-96), Tokyo, Japan, October, 1996.
Brooks, Rodney A. "A Robot That Walks; Emergent Behaviors from a Carefully
Evolved Network," [pdf format], MIT AI Lab Memo 1091, February 1989.
Brooks, Rodney A. "A Robust Layered Control System for a Mobile Robot," [pdf
format], MIT AI Lab Memo 864, September 1985.
Brooks, R.A., "The Role of Learning in Autonomous Robots," [pdf format],
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory (COLT
'91), Santa Cruz, CA, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, August 1991, pp. 5--10.
Angle, C. M. and R. A. Brooks, "Small Planetary Rovers," [pdf format], IEEE
International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tsuchiura, Japan, July
1990, pp. 383--388.
Flynn, Anita M., and Rodney A. Brooks. "Twilight Zones and Cornerstones: A Gnat
Robot Double Feature," [pdf format], MIT AI Lab Memo 1126, July 1989.
Lorigo, L.M., R.A. Brooks and W.E.L. Grimson, "Visually-Guided Obstacle
Avoidance in Unstructured Environments," [pdf format], Proceedings of IROS '97,
Grenoble, France, September 1997, pp. 373--379.
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