Michael S. Lorrey wrote,
> Actually, most historians will state that the Soviets did the most to win
> and that while we certainly helped out, and shortened it by quite a bit, if it
> had just been Germany against the USSR, the soviets would have likely won
> another five years or so of fighting. 90% of German casualties were on the
> eastern front, and most resources went to fighting it. British firebombing of
> population centers did little, but the US almost had the war won in 1943
> their campaign to bomb the ball bearing factories. According to Speer, they
> stopped at one point because they thought that the plants remaining had been
> dispersed to smaller outfits.
Thanks for the reality check concerning modern warfare and its methodologies.
I've never trusted anyone who advocates waging war along the lines of ideology
or religion. Waging technological war to see who can win seems less insane, but
it could conceivably be even more devastating. When prophets of Armageddon want
to fulfill prophesies via war *and* technology, I think it's time to deprogram
soldiers before they kill us all.
--J. R.
Women first want to find out what is in your wallet, and second what is in
your pants.
--James Diamond
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