Re: Capitalists and concentration camps

Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 06:03:07 MDT

  <<Jeez, Spudboy, I just asked a question. We can go on and on if we are trying
to be embarrassing to one another. For example: --------nah, I refuse to do
that even even though the material is factual.
    But I stick with my question: was Armand Hammer the guy at Occidental
that helped Al Gore's daddy so much? I believe that money is still in the
Ron h>>

>From what I understand, Gore's father may indeed have been in cahoots with Armand Hammer. I believe Hammer was a Commie Symp as the jargon of the 1950's and 60's went. Or, better yet, a Soviet agent of influence. I like that term-don't know why? Enema, I am more concerned that like the Fords, they have left their Sire's bigotries and fanaticsm in the dust-bin of history (Henrry Baby) and I am concerned that W'ya hasn't. I do like Gore's championing of enviro-cars-because that is a driver of technological change. Why would W'ya and his Oil Chum (currently alive and rich) be tempted to switch to Fuel Cell (methanol or hydrogen) driven autos and power sources for homes? I am betting that Canadian author, Bruce Sterling, is tended toward a more environmentally oriented candidate.

Let us reframe the entire question. How can capitalism be harnessed to drive the things we decide are beneficial and reduce the things we decide are harmful? This is another muddle, I wonder if Anders could get in on this and help us see what growing up in socialism was all about? He seems the most expert there.

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