re: Re: netiquette 80

Brian D Williams (
Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:54:19 -0700 (PDT)

From: Kathryn Aegis <>

>In anticipation of any request for citatation, a recommendation
>for this engaging little book, found in the computer section of

>_Rules of the Net_ by Thomas Mandel and Gerard Van der Leun,
>Hyperion Books.

>One of the utter beauties of the Internet is that anyone, anyone,
>who can plug a terminal into a keyboard and hard drive can get on
>and talk to others. So what if someone still uses Pine? Pine is
>the way that dissidents in third world countries are getting their
>messages out to others to find the way to freedom. So what if
>Telnet is going defunct? People in China still use it as a way to
>circumvent government censorship. So what if someone doesn't have
>the latest system--so long as the emails get out, and can go back.

I just wanted to restate that I was not attacking anything you wrote, I enjoy your posts, in fact loved the one just now about "virtual clubing" (a good use of the Internet).

All of your posts after my initial post were in excellent format, In the post I quoted earlier I noticed you were quoting from someone elses post, so perhaps it is your editor that is performing the "unusual" formatting.

To paraphrase Greil Marcus from "Lipstick Traces" "If punk was a secret society, the goal of every secret society is to take over the world, just as the goal of every rock 'n' roll band is to make everyone listen." Likewise I assume you'd like your posts to be read, and your opinion considered.

I apologize if anything I said wasn't clear....


Member, Extropy Institute, Life Extension Foundation,
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