Re: Mother nature
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:58:58 EDT

In a message dated 09/16/1999 12:56:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Given quintillions of sensors, can you get enough advance warning to put a
> nuke in place? Are there any non-nuclear ways to dissipate the force?
> How much less of a problem would we have with severe weather and seismic
> events if we just remove the moon?
> -- David Lubkin.
Quick and thoughtless answer-Lasers-lots of them-also masers. Use them to modify cloudy formations. Too hot-use lots of white reflectives to move soler heat back into space. Too cool-use black absorber sheets to reatin heat. Earthquakes: find where the plates over-ride each other and its near a city. Drill holes and melt the sub-duction edges-tension reduced. How practical? It is to laff.