RE: Balloon-Borne Instrument Collects Antimatter

O'Regan, Emlyn (
Fri, 20 Aug 1999 18:27:27 +1000

> --- Doug Jones <> wrote:
> > While it's true that any individual antiparticle can
> > be treated
> > mathematically as a time-reversed particle, it does
> > travel forward
> > in time at 1 s/s just like everything else. In
> > particular,
> > antiparticles cannot propagate information backward
> > in time, as your
> > interpretation would imply. Antimatter does not run
> > toward zero.
> >
That's a pity - I was having visions of civilisations running backwards like a video running backwards. You know, anti-people leaping up out of a pool through a backwards splash onto a diving board; trains reversing back over smashed (long) vintage cars, which reassemble as the train removes itself from them; Ninjas jumping normally off rooves down on to the ground.
