SETI News from Ukraine

Larry Klaes (
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 13:08:49 -0400

>Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 11:50:59 +0300
>From: Institute of Radio Astronomy <>
>Organization: Institute of Radio Astronomy
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.01 [en] (Win95; I)
>To:, spsr@SONOMA.EDU,,
>Subject: SETI News from Ukraine
>Dear colleagues,
>After seven years of struggle, my book on Planetary SETI has been
>published in April 1999. I would greatly appreciate sending the
>book abstract to interested persons, potential translators and
>Thank you in advance.
>Alexey Arkhipov
>Alexey V. Arkhipov. SELENITES. Moscow: Novation, 1998, in Russian
> (ISBN 5-89553-002-8, 192 p., 21 ill., 294 ref., hard cover)
> This book is a popular introduction to the problems of the
>search for traces of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) on the Moon,
>"Selenites" is a name given to lunar inhabitants in sci-fi literature.
>This author does not confirm that our satellite is inhabited, only
>presenting arguments which motivate the archaeological reconnaissance
>of the Moon.
> The first chapter ("Is News About the Moon Well Forgotten Old
>One?") directs the reader's attention to the strangely correct
>ancient notions concerning our satellite. For example, lunar mountains
>are described quite realistically as "SMOOTH heights" in the dialogue
>of Plutarch (46-120 AD). However, the thick regolith cover smoothing
>the lunar relief was unknown before our missions to the Moon.
>According to ancient sources, Plutarch correctly wrote about "the
>country of death on the Moon" where there was "nothing spoilt and
>rotten". He also noted "light" life on the Moon and the mass of the
>satellite ("Moon is 1/72 part of the Earth"). Other ancient knowledge
>concerning the Moon (e.g. the extreme cold there) correctly reflects
>the physical reality which only became known in our own time.
> The second chapter ("Guests from the Moon") is a search for the
>possible source of this unusual information. Ancient texts and
>folklore describe "Beings from the Moon" and detailed reviews of such
>personages is presented. Their contacts with terrestrials about 4-5
>millenium ago could explain anomalous lunar knowledge.
> The third chapter ("Hunt for Selenites") is a review of searches
>for selenites up to our time. This search was begun by the great
>astronomer J. Kepler in 1610. Amongst his followers were known
>astronomers: D. Fabricius, J.H. Schroeter, F.P. von Gruithuisen,
>K.F. Gauss et al. The subject of searching for ETI on the Moon is now
>popular in the sensational press (e.g.: the books of G.H. Leonard and
>F. Steckling and the works of Richard Hoagland). The critical review
>of such publications is discussed in this book.
> The fourth chapter ("Is the Moon an Outpost of the Universe?")
>justifies the interest in extraterrestrial scouts to the Earth and
>the Moon. For the first time, K.E. Tsiolkovsky (the pioneer in space
>rocket theory and space philosophy) wrote about this in 1925-28. Now,
>similar ideas are published by many authoritative scientists.
>The Pentagon and NASA has considered the Moon a strategic base near
>our unique planet and travelers from other stars could also use the
> If the Moon is a base for ETI, the alien artificial satellites
>could orbit the Earth. NASA experts concluded that small, natural
>satellite-boulders (>10m) are almost improbable. However, dozens of
>unidentified satellite-like objects were observed before the first
>satellite launch in 1957. The fifth chapter ("Secret of Other Moons")
>is a detailed review of such reports since Anaxagoras (c. 500-428 BC)
>up to our present time.
> If alien satellites and trash orbit our planet, they could fall
>to Earth as well as our space vehicles and debris. The sixth chapter
>("Extraterrestrial Souvenirs") describes the fallings from fireballs,
>apparently artificial subjects (artifacts) long before 1957. Similar
>events have been reported from antiquity to our present time.
>Moreover, melted, metallic artifact-like finds have been extracted
>from pre-human geological layers.
> The seventh chapter ("Is the <Razor of Occam> Dangerous?")
>discusses a methodology of the search for ETI. It is shown that the
>"presumption of naturality" of planetology is quite ineffective in
>a search for artificial phenomena. The free competition among
>"natural" and "artificial" explanations of candidates in ETI
>manifestations is the most adequate strategy. The following chapters
>are the creations of "artificial" hypotheses- alternatives for the
>start of such a competitive process.
> The eighth chapter ("Manifestation of Intelligence?") gives
>analysis of data from NASA's "Lunar Transient Phenomena Catalog"
>(1978) concerning unexplained night lights, reflections of sunlight
>from some mirrors, "searchlights", and moving objects on the Moon.
>Many such reports from former USSR observers are now published for
>the first time. It is difficult to explain these phenomena in terms
>of natural processes; they seem to be artificial so it is possible
>that such transient lunar phenomena can be considered as probable
>ETI manifestations.
> If somebody is on the Moon he must respond to the invasion from
>Earth which began in 1959. A provocation is the popular military
>method for a revealing of disposition and the facilities of an enemy.
>For the first time, searching for reactions from the Moon regarding
>terrestrial probes is considered in the ninth chapter ("Invasion of
>Terrestrials"). It is shown that transient dust clouds and red spots
>on the Moon obviously correlate with our activity in certain regions
>of the satellite. This effect is real. It is hardly possible to
>explain the "invasion effect" in terms of selection.
> The tenth chapter ("Guidebook for Archaeologists") is a
>compilation of objects and regions on the Moon which are promising
>for archaeological reconnaissance. Much information regarding
>anomalous phenomena and details concerning the Moon is collected and
>systematized here.
> Finally, the eleventh chapter ("Conclusion and Prospects")
>concludes that an archaeological reconnaissance of the Moon is
>justified. The opportunities for it will occur in the future with
>the construction of a lunar base. However, it is reasonable to
>prepare for the exploration in situ at this time. As the USA, Europe
>and Japan already have plans for new missions to the Moon, the search
>for ETI there will be done indirectly, at the least. The main task of
>this book is to direct the public's attention toward this inevitable
> This book is illustrated, including detailed references.
>Prof. Oleg A. Deineko
>8, Bolshoy Znamenskij per., Apt. 33,
>Moscow 121019 RUSSIA
>Yuriy N. Morozov, PhD
>Alexey V. Arkhipov, PhD
>Institute of Radio Astronomy,
>Nat. Acad. Sc. of Ukraine,
>4, Krasnoznamennaya str.,
>Kharkov 310002 UKRAINE