Well, variable chromogeometry (or, extending,
functional-chromogeometry...) could include also fuzzy, Mandelbrot,
etc. geometries... (including a possible telepresence...)
I think that our future form must be variable even because, have you
already thought about loosing the women's present body sensorial
contact? Possibly a directly "neuron"-induced (or software-induced)
effect could replace it (satisfactorily)... (just a generalizable
heterossexual joke...).
A suitable question is if it would be adopted, in the future,
something like a hardware sharing... or we'll choose continue
being individuals. (The talk is getting really crazy...)
Another interesting possibility (but very dangerous and insecure yet)
in thinking about to create a super main processor where our
individualities would share the facilities. Don't know if it would be
good or bad, but the natural tendency would be the unification of all
the universe in just one counscious living organism, with various
"selfimages" that would be ourselves in better forms... Something
better that the ancient religious "God" imagination (or
Gomes, M.Sc. ("M"ad "Sc"ientist ... joking...)
Prof. Gomes
emails: gomes@cnen.gov.br
Thanks for visiting my web site.