"Laws, David" <lawsd@magic.dcrt.nih.gov> Sat, 12 Jul 1997 Wrote:
>'We' send out probes to other planets...why wouldn't another
>planet's intelligent life?
I'm convinced they could, even in the very unlikely event that it's impossible
to achieve speeds higher than what we can right now, with Von Neumann Machines
they could send several probes to every planet orbiting every star in the
Galaxy in less that 50 million years. Just the blink of an eye.
I'm convinced they would, I don't see how a life form could be intelligent
and technological if it didn't have curiosity. So where are they?
That's the Fermi Paradox.
I'm also convinced that an intelligent society that had been around for any
length of time would start to engineer the Universe and be conspicuous even
at cosmological distances. There is no sign of it.
It's mind blowing to think that there is other life in the universe,
it's even more mind blowing to think that there is not and we're alone.
As for government cover-up, if those jackasses couldn't keep the Watergate
break in secret I don't see how the could keep a flying saucer break up
secret for 50 hours much less 50 years. But I did like "Men In Black",
it's a very funny movie.
John K Clark johnkc@well.com
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