RE: WTC Insurance

From: Sean Kenny (
Date: Sun Sep 16 2001 - 18:12:15 MDT

Funnily enough, the BBC just reported (not online yet) that there were
massive share movements in Insurance companies just before the attacks. Bin
Laden may be be an insane terrorist but he's also a Billionaire I
understand, anyone know if that's inherited wealth or if he's just good at

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Harvey Newstrom
> Sent: 16 September 2001 23:47
> To:
> Subject: WTC Insurance
> One thing I have not seen mentioned by anyone is insurance. All of the
> insurance policies I have seen specifically exclude war and acts of
> terrorism. As far as I know, none of the damage is covered by insurance,
> none of the equipment or losses will be reimbursed, and none of the life
> insurance policies will be honored. Does anybody have more specific
> information about the insurance industry's response to this?
> --
> Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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