Re: Another new offensive strategy

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Sep 15 2001 - 23:58:02 MDT

John Clark wrote:

> Harvey Newstrom <> Wrote:
> > This is ludicrous. Extropians are believers in TRUTH.
> War is a very dirty business, so if this really is a war we'll be doing things
> one hell of a lot more disagreeable than that before we're through. If we're
> too squeamish to even fake a racy photo then it's all over already, they've won.

Harvey, made a good point, well taken. We are not at war
with Islam, we are at war with terrorists. The fake Korans wouldnt
work for that reason. Information tech is a double edged sword.

Speaking of which, that biz that Joe Dees posted about Falwell
and Robertson, have we any secondary proof that they really
said those words? I can see where someone could post disinfo
that could be innocently picked up and reposted. Did anyone
actually hear the broadcast or offer a major news org that
confirms it? I am surprised as hell that two players as politically
savvy as these two clowns would say such a thing. They would
hafta know it would blow up in their faces to use this tragedy
as a chance to ride a political hobby horse. spike

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