Re: Falwell and Robertson Chime in about the WTC Attack

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Sep 15 2001 - 15:48:10 MDT

Jesus! (excuse me) These two supposedly religious leaders that
one would expect to be consoling the people are instead claiming
that the terrorists are the hand of God striking us for our
"sins"? What opportunistic, anti-freedom, irreligious drivel!
If I went out to recruit anti-religious infiltrators to give
religion a bad rap I couldn't do any better than these two
buffoons. These are not "spiritual" people. They are not even
sane. Their answer to the atrocity is to turn America,
AMERICA!, into a theocracy much like the ones that gave rise to
the terrorists. The people should utterly despise and
ostrascize such anti-American jerks disguised as "spiritual

- samantha

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