Re: Rotting in hell

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 14:33:25 MDT

Miriam English wrote:
> You have to be careful of the news media. They have incredible power and
> are often careless, inflammatory, even slanderous. We have had for a long
> time in Oz a program which alerts viewers to wrongful, misleading, and lazy
> reporting. It happens way more often than you would like to think.

At times like this, I try to remember something Edward de Bono said
(paraphrase): "If you can't think of five distinct reasons something happened,
you probably haven't thought long enough about it." A good heuristic here.

"Du musst...Amboss oder Hammer sein." 
  -- J. W. von Goethe, _Der Gross-Cophta, Act II_

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