Re: Herding Extropycats [was Shame on Australia]

From: Russell Blackford (
Date: Sat Sep 01 2001 - 18:11:52 MDT

Hal Finney said

>In fact a number of list members pride themselves on rudeness. I've
>even seen quasi mathematical arguments offered which try to show that
>rude bluntness is the optimal form of social communication. I don't
>particularly share such views, but I tolerate them. If you're going to
>hang around here, it's a good idea to grow a thick skin.

To be fair, though, I'm saying that there is an impatience with ideas or
appeals to empathy, etc. I have not experienced personal rudeness on the
list. I sometime see it directed at others, but my experience so far is that
if you address other people on the list in a reasonable manner they will not
be rude in reply. That is one of the nice things about the list. (I hope it
keeps up.)


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