Re: Media ignores Ballistic Missle Defense lies

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun Aug 26 2001 - 10:46:20 MDT

John Clark wrote:
> <> Wrote:
> > For an Extropian, John, whatdya got against thingies like free laser
> > balistic missle zappers?
> As an Extropian I'm against things that won't work. You laser would never
> fire even one time in anger, it's a sitting duck and would get destroyed
> as soon as the war started.

Yes, and while we are at it, lets get rid of all those pesky airplanes.
They are obviously of no use as military weapons just sitting there on
the ground, they require many man-hours of maintenance and support, they
can be attacked on the ground by any idiot with a hand grenade, and they
generally miss their targets more often than not. Their exhaust
contributes to global warming and the ozone hole, and m'gawd, people DIE
in plane crashes. They are obviously not worth the investment needed to
make them truly useful.

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