Re: SOCIETY: Re: The privatization of public security in South America.

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 12:06:52 MDT

Brian D Williams wrote:
> >From: "Olga Bourlin" <>
> >> Childcare should be provided by the parents, not the government.
> >In your opinion, who should provide for schools - the parents, as
> >well?
> Absolutely, why should non-parents foot the bill?
> Before I get branded an ogre let me explain.
> As a fairly recent convert to the idea of a flat tax (don't know
> why it took so long!) I think everyone should pay the same
> percentage. Now as far as schools are concerned, we would all pay
> something, but parents would pay additional for each child for
> every year they're in school.

Yet even the tax system isn't equally applied to pay for schools. Senior
citizens typically get the portion of their state and local taxes that
goes to education exempted, on the rationale that their kids are grown
and no longer use public schools, and generally are on fixed incomes
(yet these regs allow people as young as 55 to get the tax break). Yet,
single people like myself who have no kids, and don't really desire to
have kids, are required to pay these taxes, despite the fact that we may
be earning less than a senior on a fixed income, and not have the
benefits of subsidized housing, etc, and also have a higher cost of
living (generally vehicular in nature, along with paying off student
loans, etc).

I see this as a violation of the equal protection clause.

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