Re: White Male Discrimination and WWW Syndrome

From: Party of Citizens (
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 19:05:17 MDT

On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Brian D Williams wrote:

> From: Party of Citizens <>
> >I am on David Duke's ezine-type list.
> A white supremacist? Your true colors?
> >No discussion but you can send back comments. As a
> >philosopher-psychologist with half of his career spent in
> >clinical work, I had to coin "WWW Syndrome" for what I was
> >observing. "Whining White Wussy" syndrome. Also, WWW fits the
> >never-ending vocalizations of these people...waaaa, waaaa,
> >waaaaaaa! Come on guys, buck up. If you don't like the culture as
> >it is, design your own.
> >POC
> I was trying to make a point that your tiny brain has obviously
> missed.

That is because us bigoted whites have evolved a pointy cranium to better
fit our bed sheets.

> Tell you what POC, next time you're in Chicago, feel free to look
> me up.
> We'll see who does the whining.....

And what is the "point" of this? I am just saying that
"multiculturalism" is more than a cheap slogan. Different races and
peoples have developed different cultures. Why not leave them in peace to
enjoy those cultures as they wish?

> Till then.
> Brian
> Member:
> Extropy Institute,
> National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
> SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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