Re: Dr Zavos `admits' he plans to clone a human

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 12:58:55 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:
> My main question about making cloning illegal is that this would seem to
> make the use of fertility drugs illegal, since their use is linked to an
> increased incidence of multiple births, i.e. clones produced by
> 'unnatural' means since they depended on the drugs to come about.

Fair enough. In reply to that concern:

I'm under the impression that the approved fertility drugs
cause multiple eggs to be released per estrus cycle.

If so, such 'tuplets are _not_ clones, as identical twins are said to be;
they're _fraternal_. Different egg and sperm for each one, old fashioned
genetic lottery each time.


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