Re: Tolerance for Dissent on Extropians

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 15:16:11 MDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 13:34:44 -0400
> Mike Lorrey <> Re: Tolerance for Dissent on ExtropiansReply-To:
>Joe Dees wrote:
>> When you get sent 1200 emails in the space of three days filled with inane comments and bald insults, they are not playing a quality game, but a quantity game - it's called 'overwhelm'.
>It's easy to stop Joe: stop sending yourself so much email.
Do you REALLY want me to go to the archives and do a count of the mailbombing you and your droogies inflicted on this list, and to which I replied? Practically all my posts were replies to posts by your li'l bang-bang gang. Y'all were sending the shitstorm, I was just shoveling it back at you.

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