Re: Reparations

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Aug 01 2001 - 07:36:51 MDT

From: "Zero Powers" <>

>>From: Greg Burch <>

>>BTW, regarding the question of the historical burden of slavery,
>>I like to say that the current cost in the U.S. of slavery is the
>>present value of the price of 40 acres and a mule in 1865.

>Which, at first glance, may seem like a decent-sized chunk of
>dough. However I assume that it was only freed black men living
>during 1865 who were supposed to get that bounty. Assuming that
>group numbered ~600,000 at the time, dividing their share amongst
>their millions of present day black decendants would amount to
>about 40 cents and a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey
>game each.

Now subtract the "guilt" reparations (welfare, housing projects,
minority set-asides) we've been paying for generations, and we're
probably due a refund.

Why is it I suspect this will not be found to be acceptable.


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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