Re: low voltage & bulb species

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 07:50:23 MDT

>From: "Amara D. Angelica" <>

>According to GE, a 15-watt compact fluorescent bulb can replace a
>60-watt incandescent bulb. That's because more of the energy is
>converted into light instead of heat.

>Sage advice from Dr. Bill Wattenberg of KGO and UC Berkeley on


>Take a look at the compact fluorescent bulbs in your local
>hardware store or shopping center before you buy more of the old
>types that you have been buying every month. You will save a lot
>of money and time over just a year. The CFB bulbs will last many
>years. Do the experiment. Replace one or two light bulbs in your
>home that burn most of the time, such as outdoor lights.
>You will be pleased.

I posted way back when about the joys of the new high frequency
fluorescent lights. Since then I have yet to replace one and have
an electric bill that's less than $14.00 a month, (one bedroom apt)
most of that is tax. (Illinois) You will find them to biggest
advantage in supplying area lighting, turning them on/off
frequently will shorten their lifespan. Watch for sale coupons on
them, I buy them for a couple of bucks each after rebate.

Another good trick is to fill any unused space in your
fridge/freezer with empty milk jugs filled with water. This will
increase the thermal mass, so you don't change temperature as
readily. Works great.

Make sure if you buy new appliances you check for an energy
efficiency rating, many of these carry rebate discounts from your
local power company.

Oh, and speaking as a Union electrician, low voltage situations are
known as brownouts, and are bad news for anything that has an
electric motor, like major appliances. Do a Google search on
"brownout" to see why this is a bad idea.


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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