Re: Need help tracking down a book

Damien Broderick (
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 18:28:16 +0000

At 04:00 AM 30/06/99 -0400, Brian rewrote:

>5 years is about 1/16th of my estimated lifetime barring any
>advances in tech (let's be pessimistic for a sec), so that is
>indeed a long stretch of time.

Hmm, let's see. For me, 1994 is 10 books back (published or pending, I hasten to add, not read).

TRANSREALIST FICTION: WRITING IN THE SLIPSTREAM OF SCIENCE printed out just this morning and waiting in the mailroom to be sent to Greenwood Press in Connecticut, six months ahead of deadline. Ah, now to think up a nice new juicy transhumanist and perhaps transrealist novel...

Damien the Demented