Hmm, what female writers and thinkers have influenced me the most?
I would guess Marie Curie is on top of my list (or at least most easily remembered). I read her biography as a young boy, and it really helped me understand what scientific work is about (except wearing a white coat and mixing bubbling liquids). Her personal dedication was impressive.
Linda Nagata has already been mentioned, I really enjoyed the... "texture" of her novels; the way she described the more subtle effects of the advanced technology such as how nanotech would actually feel, or the smells from it.
I also look forward to read Virginia Postrel's _The Future and Its Enemies_, I hope to get the book this week.
Then there is also a certain Natasha Vita-More, but I guess she needs no further presentation here... :-)
Anders Sandberg Towards Ascension! d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y