Participating in the ongoing creative development of life has been educational and enjoyable.
I enjoy seeing how diverse, intelligent and versatile life is, and I enjoy helping it become more so.
I enjoy watching how life builds on itself and develops into systems which are highly creative and intelligent.
I enjoy being a part of the complex, adaptable, creative, intelligent, self-transformational phemenomenon of life.
I enjoy developing my body and my mind to be capable of increasingly more complex behavior and possibilities for action and thought.
I enjoy studying my world and developing an increasingly accurate understanding of my world.
I enjoy playing with ideas and developing them over many years and sharing them with others.
I enjoy teaching others what I have learned.
I enjoy working with others and developing relationships with a high exchange of value.
I imagine and develop new technologies and new ways of doing things which have greater value and potential than those we are currently using.
I imagine new ways of living which people may enjoy experimenting with.
I imagine alternate societies and cultures which people may enjoy living in.
I realize that this universe is an ongoing stream of possiblities.
I am learning to more successfully navigate this stream and make choices which improve my overall situation.
I choose to live in a way I honestly believe will benefit me and my world.
I choose to explore and develop an increasingly accurate understanding of myself and my world.
I choose to experiment with different ways of living and develop ways of living which promote my goals more effectively.
I am learning to learn more from each moment.
Every moment teaches me many lessons, because I have learned to watch carefully, with great curiosity.
I take many opportunities to learn new skills and knowledge, educating myself in as many areas as I can.
I am learning that I can do more and have a more interesting life as I learn more knowledge and skills.
I imagine many possibilities for myself and my world.
I imagine a creative place, overflowing with creative ideas on all aspects of living.
I imagine people of all ages working together on all sorts of projects, everyone learning from each other.
I imagine people who have developed many skills and talants and who are capable of doing anything they imagine.
I imagine much for the future, and I am looking for others who imagine similar futures.
Together, we can do what needs to be done to create the sort of future we want to live in.
I am hoping that many will read this message and send it to others to read.
I am excited about the future, and I am looking for others to help create an exciting and enjoyable future for all of us.
please copy and distribute this message freely