> > Carl Sagan observed that astronomy emerged out of astrology.
I think of Carl Sagan as more of a pimp than a scientist.
>This is one of my interests, how science evolves from nonscience.
I have a friend that started his career in physics (but then became a lawyer). I have been a practitioner of various forms of "sorcery" for more than 20 years. My friend believes in astrology. I do not.
Nowadays, magick seems to borrow more from science than the other way around. The names Bell and Bohm are now heard almost as frequently as the names Crowley and Spare.
On the other tentacle, sociologist William Sims Bainbridge has called magick "radical psychology". Even if it is only that, the techniques employed in the areas of INVOCATION and ILLUMINATION in Chaos Magick would be of great utility to any Extropian.
Telesis Foundation for Applied Memetics
CHAOSMOS: The Product is The Process