But what can we control about the angry impulse that leads to shootings, or the angry mentalities that cause mass murder, armed robbery, and suicide? As engineers of our own beings, in what way can we retrain our neural networks to resist violence? What is being done now (medications, psychotherapy, anger management courses, biofeedback, etc) and what should/could be done by a more tranhumanist, conscious effort?
There's Thomas jefferson " count to ten", or count to 100...meditation, walking it off -- a thousand tricks, but somehow when that "lizard brain" takes over, & millions reach for their nearest poop (gun, brick, bow and arrow) and hurl it!
I read news reports that "Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold passed an anger management course with glowing comments from their teachers". ..One would assume it would need voluntary commitment to benefit from such a class, but obviously we have a long road ahead of us if we are to surpass the primate urge to "get mad, get even..."