Re: Transhumanist Declaration

Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin (
Sat, 11 Apr 1998 10:00:05 +0000

> From: Technotranscendence <>

> At 11:06 AM 4/11/98 -0000, Sean Kenny <> wrote:
> >Michael Lorrey wrote
> >> a Capitalist does not beleive in the use of government to enforce one's
> >> own advantage,
> >
> >On the contrary, a capitalist will use anything, even government, even
> >murder to enforce his/her own advantage

I suppose that would depend on whether "capitalist" means "a person
who doesn't give a fig about capitalism but happens to be wealthy and
to like being wealthy" or "a person who believes in capitalism".

People who are quite willing to commit murder for their own profit,
are a problem in ANY system. If anything, it was the degree of
capitalism in the US economy that made Jeffrey Dahmer be regarded as
a dangerous criminal, rather than a valued member of the police
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