Seems like I may have punched a button; if so, sorry.
I didn't recall your "lengthy and articulate" response, and I'm not
interested in debating whether it's possible to so buttress a kneejerk
response (by which I mean literally an immediate neurosomatic state path
triggered by an experience)--I see people do it all the time. Terror
management theory suggests it's a large part of humankind's makeup--but
maybe TMT is a crock.
A lot of people criticized _The Bell Curve_ without showing signs of having
even read--or perhaps I mean understood--the chapters' precis. And some did
so lengthily and articulately. Or maybe they read and understood but found
a deeper meaning, like who wrote the works of Shakespeare or something, and
it bothered them so much that it swamped the plain text.
I have no way of knowing if that's what you're doing; that's why I asked.
It seems to me that the matter is subject to debate. Perhaps you disagree.
If you feel like continuing this thread, try these on for size:
(po1) I take it that you'd agree with the proposition that all cycles in
human behavior are mythical; is that right?
(po2) there are no such things as "types" of people (in the "personality
type" sense).
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