New Age Angst
Sun, 11 May 1997 21:50:46 -0500 (EST)

Last night I found myself in a futile conversation. I couldn't tell at
first if this woman was on a mystic-trip or actually in touch with
reality, but I new it was over when she said, "Have you read _The
Celestine Prophesy_?" I'm sure many of you have been there...

The woman I conversed with exhibited a pattern of thought that I've noticed in
numerous conversations with New Agers: They can rebuke any attempt at
rational thought b/c their belief system allows them to say anything,
making up mind-fodder as they go along. Now, many of you who are far more
leathal at intellectual sparring than I are surely more successful at arguing
with mystics than I. My arguing skills are need of developement (hence
this post). As I struggle to put together rational replies to their
fanciful ramblings, these mystics run circles around my logic. How do
experienced rational thinkers deal with people who can say anything (that
is to the extent that they can be dealt with)?

Also, these people think they are quantum mechanics, rigging their
silliness with quatum "stuff." These people don't even have a clue about the
concept of a quantized energy packet, yet they think that watching _Quantum
Leap_ or reading books by quacks who give no references gives them
understanding enough to invoke quantum physics as "proof" of their
madness. I know just enough about quantum mechanics to know not to f***
with it, yet they don't notice that the people who do know what they're
talking about spend years, if not decades, understanding quantum mechanics
to the extent that is understood. These fruit-loops are a sad lot.

Enough angst.

Michael Bowling