Re: Extropianism and Nudism

Sarah Marr (
Tue, 06 May 1997 18:43:25 +0100

> writes:
>> As an independent thinking extopian, I would like to ask everyone of
>> their opinion on the following idea. Since we do not believe in

I don't agree that Extropians do not believe in coercion. They may not
believe in corecion by the State, but how do they propose to effect even
contractual law without any form of enforcement? If there are areas where
people cannot be nude, despite their wishing to do so, then they must be
being coerced into wearing clothes in those areas (or not entering them
when naked). If there are areas where people can be nude, despite the
disapproval of others, then those others must be being coerced into
allowing the nudity to continue.

You can couch this in terms of contractual obligation, anarcho-capitalism
or anything else, but it won't remove the fact that one person or group of
people are controlling what another person or group of people can and
cannot do.


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