WHile running away per se is not my own cup of tea, the first mandate of
maintaining a viable insurgency (i.e. successful guerrilla camapaign,
not necessarily being centrally controlled) is establishing sources and
routes of supply and relief outside the zone of conflict. In any such
conflict, while con-combatants in the current sense are much like serfs
tied to the land in the feudal sense, in a high tech battle, anyone with
a brain is a combatant. The rules of war dictate eliminating the enemy's
ability to sustain combat, and barring that, denying victory in denying
the victor the spoils. I.E: If you can't win, make sure the other guy
pays dearly for the victory.
WHile the prospect of losing house and home is not fun, a sorched earth
strategy allows for at least denying the invader the profit of use of
the assets you lose. Boobytrapping anything and everything are mandated.
-- TANSTAAFL!!! Michael Lorrey ------------------------------------------------------------ mailto:retroman@tpk.net Inventor of the Lorrey Drive Agent Lorrey@ThePentagon.com Silo_1013@ThePentagon.com http://www.tpk.net/~retroman/Mikey's Animatronic Factory My Own Nuclear Espionage Agency (MONEA) MIKEYMAS(tm): The New Internet Holiday Transhumans of New Hampshire (>HNH) ------------------------------------------------------------ #!/usr/local/bin/perl-0777---export-a-crypto-system-sig-RC4-3-lines-PERL @k=unpack('C*',pack('H*',shift));for(@t=@s=0..255){$y=($k[$_%@k]+$s[$x=$_ ]+$y)%256;&S}$x=$y=0;for(unpack('C*',<>)){$x++;$y=($s[$x%=256]+$y)%256; &S;print pack(C,$_^=$s[($s[$x]+$s[$y])%256])}sub S{@s[$x,$y]=@s[$y,$x]}