RE: Maximizing results of efforts Re: Mainstreaming

From: John Marlow (
Date: Wed May 02 2001 - 21:33:26 MDT

Cynical postulate: He made a decision to rely upon the advice of
someone(s) older and wiser, who remained in the background.
Alternatively, could be he was freakishly advanced (in a good way)
from a very young age and so began gathering relevant experience and
accumulating wisdom while others his age were still sucking their
thumbs--in which case, the wisdom *still* took time to develop, and
he simply began earlier. Not knowing him, I can only speculate.


On 2 May 2001, at 23:03, Ben Goertzel wrote:

> > #There is something to be said for *relevant* experience. Age is
> > immaterial except in regard to two things: relevant experience, and
> > wisdom. The former can sometimes be gathered quickly; the latter,
> > never.
> This is an interesting statement, but I know some counterexamples to it.
> The guy who ran our Brazilian office and later our whole international AI
> Development Division, Cassio Pennachin, demonstrated an *amazing* amount of
> maturity wisdom at age 21 when we hired him, and continued to do so over the
> next 2 years. (I know Cassio doesn't read this list, so I don't mind
> flattering him...)
> It always baffled me how he came by such a reserve of wisdom about
> everything from system design to people management to business... his life
> history, which is perfectly ordinary, doesn't explain it at all.
> The diversity of human nature is well worth keeping in mind when thinking
> about the future personalities of AI's. AI systems will have vastly more
> diversity than humans, one can expect, since there have got to be many very
> different ways to create real AI (and many different pathways along which
> eventual self-modification will lead real AIs). Glib generalizations will
> be even harder to make!!
> ben

John Marlow

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