Re: cool atheist scientist chick

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Sat Apr 28 2001 - 10:18:52 MDT

>By the way, I do suggest in the future to find a more intelligent
> Subject line. Something like "Great Contact movie scientist character"
> would perhaps be more encouraging to any women scientists here.

> I expect that any professional male scientists who see a subject
> line such as: "mondo atheist scientist dude" would be similarly

I don't know ... maybe phrases like "cool atheist scientist chick" or "mondo
atheist scientist dude" may prove friendlier and more appealing to the
young? Surely science and scientists could use a little PR in the "cool"
category (an effect Carl Sagan sought and succeeded to some extent). We can
all use more scientists (and -- I would venture to say this may even be more
important -- more science-thinking laypeople).


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