Re: extropians-digest V6 #61

Date: Fri Mar 02 2001 - 09:29:52 MST

Not to be rude (since that's what started this, the idea of politeness),
but do you KNOW any muslims, or are you just getting this 2nd hand? I
happen to be learning Arabic from a muslim, and he is quite well educated,
liberal, and willing to discuss anything I ask. Is he an anomoly? I can't
say, since I don't know every muslim, but then neither do you. You're
making assumptions based (unless you tell me differently) on perceptions
gathered from American media. Dangerous way to do things, since the news is
skewed, even if by accident. Some muslims are repressive, but most aren't.
(And some Christians are, also, so it's not limited to Islam).
     Personally, I'm an atheist, so the religion means nothing to me, but
it does have a fairly strong history of being open to science, education
and discussion. For you to say that some small minority speaks for all of
them (even if that minority wishes you were right) tells me you simply
don't understand the issue. This is exactly the way to make sure muslim
countries stay opposed to our ideas.

Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 16:32:42 -0800
From: "J. R. Molloy" <>
Subject: Re: Islam and extropianism

From: <>
> I hardly think being asked to be polite is a good reason not to discuss
something with someone.

I think you've got it backwards. It's Muslims who refuse to discuss


Stay hungry,

- --J. R.


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