Re: Temporary leave of absence...

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 15:15:47 MDT

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, Doug Jones wrote:

> "Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> > but I'm going to the Rainbow Gathering with a few friends in Montana...

Don't know, doesn't compute, so can't comment.

> Mike, somehow that just *doesn't* seem to be your gig. I'm just sitting
> here chuckling... Mike explaining liberatarian thought, extropianism,
> and of course the importance of the second amendment, to a bunch of
> blissed-out hippies.

I can see it. But then I'm from New England... (Boston/Maine/etc.)

> *Now* I can believe six impossible things before breakfast.

Now Doug, what you mean to say is that you can believe six
"implausible" things before breakfast -- you do not mean to
suggest find National Enquirer violations of physics
really believable before breakfast (unless you have
a blood sugar condition you have failed to inform us about.).


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