Re: the challenge is given!!

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sun Jun 25 2000 - 16:20:41 MDT

John M Grigg wrote:
> Carl Bonzer wrote:
> > I propose a bet that he would score higher on an IQ test than you. Assuming
> > you don't think you're an idiot, this achieves the same thing as the other
> > bet, but is more interesting.
> >
> > Should be simple to arrange. Michael, you and I send say $1000 to someone we
> > both trust (Greg Birch, I suggest). You sign up with a professional
> > psychologist for an IQ test, Brian does the same, etc., etc. (we'll need to
> > hammer out those "etc.s" - verification will be tricky but not impossible).
> > Loser pays additional money in the amount of the cost of the test, and
> > perhaps some amount for time spent dealing with this.
> Mike Lorrey replied:
> What IQ test is going to be used? I've done numerous ones. However Brians status as an idiot or not is not worth $1000 to me, and frankly, I don't put much trust in the sanity of psychologists, they tend to get into psychology in order to figure out their own sanity. Every therapist I've ever known has been more interested in analysing themselves than their patients. Moreover, Brian's particular brand of idiocy I doubt very much can be reflected in an IQ test.
> (end)
> I never thought I would see Mike back down from a fight! I suppose if Brian had slapped Mike in the face with a pair of white gloves we might be seeing a transhumanist duel of the intellects take place. But we know those I.Q. tests are just worthless anyway. ;)

Brian and I have already reached somewhat of an understanding privately,
and he's already asked Carl to chill out, so I just don't feel its
worthwhile to stroke Carl as the arbiter of all that is good.

Beyond that, I don't consider Carls little contest to be a valid test of
what he would like to demonstrate. In any case, in a duel, custom is
that the participants agree upon the weapons, the
intermediary/instigator of the duel has no say.

As I said, there are a lot more important things to spend $1000 on, and
BTW, since when does the intermediary set the bet as well?

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