Re: Anti-Semitism (was New X-humanist forums (was/is: Not all >H's areExtrop...

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Jun 23 2000 - 15:20:21 MDT wrote:
> Moving this off to a different thread (somewhat) I toy with the concept that
> Jews may have evolved as one of the catalyst peoples (call it chosen) to
> activate, modify and motivate other peoples. Call this an evolutionary
> adaptation or a rung on the ladder to the Noosphere (say hey! Teilhard!) or
> something like that there. In might account for "The Longest Hatred" because
> no matter what the Jew does, he is hated for it. It historically has become
> a-causal despite the desperate, exacerbated, attempts by many to deny this
> (personal experience). I call this the Princess and the Pea Effect.

I don't think this is just a jewish thing. Anything that anybody does in this
world is gonna make somebody hate them for it. Everyone here knows that there is
plenty for the world to hate me for that has nothing to do with my familial
relationship with jews.
> Another Toy idea is that Jews represent (to haters) the possible existence of
> a God, and one that the hater is really pissed off at, rather then their own
> model. I rather like that one myself. Oh well.

This seems to have some consonance. It jives with how many of the more
radical/fundamentalist religious people frequently try to deny that
Yahweh/God/Allah are all the same deity. If Yahweh isn't God, then its easier
for them to hate Jews while still loving their own God.

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